Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Narrative - 1557 Words

Racing at night going One-hundred and forty miles an hour on US-27 holding the lead, Shift six gear, speed topped out at two-hundred miles per hour passing by cars smoothly. I chanted I am immortal, I am a god! while I pushed my sports bike to its limit. Suddenly a black car approaches. WHAM! I get Rammed from behind and lose control of my bike slamming into a Semi-truck up ahead. Lights out. When I peeked my eyes, I saw 4 humans around me. Thump after thumb I believe I was in an ambulance rushing down the turnpike. I looked around and the first words that came to my head are â€Å"Rick this is just a dream†. This is the story of how I escaped from an illegal laboratory that clones and modifies humans. I woke up with a trebling shock down my†¦show more content†¦The cold room shivered me from my sleep. My body ached as if I’ve been run over by a truck, but my hands and feet are free. I forced myself to move but couldn’t find the strength, with one last thrust, I jerked myself just enough to loosen the mask from around my face. The clean air helped me regain consciousness as I rolled myself off the bed. I stumbled towards the door and opened it slowly only to be thrown back by a large guard in black tactical gear. Lightly dazed from the impact, I played possum for a moment, so the guard can lower his weapon. When he grabbed me from my arm without hesitation, I forcibly yanked him down and constricted my arm around his neck between my bicep and forearm. Then, I tightly compressed with all my power like an anaconda would squeeze his prey before consumption. Finally, the guard stopped moving around and lost all consciousness. I gave his head one final thrust â₠¬Å"Crack!† to confirm he won’t move again. I stripped the armored uniform off the guard to disguise myself so I can escape. When I removed my shirt, I noticed a large gash across my body. The gash was bonded together with a clear compound that felt like flesh. At that moment, I realized they left me for the guard to kill. Determined to escape this hell hole or die trying I zipped up my vest and began to load the pistol and rifle I took from the guard. Fueled with rage I kicked open the door and released fire on 3 guards crouched inShow MoreRelatedStructure of Personal Narrative797 Words   |  4 PagesCLRC Writing Center Structure of a Personal Narrative Essay â€Å"Narrative† is a term more commonly known as â€Å"story.† Narratives written for college or personal narratives, tell a story, usually to some point, to illustrate some truth or insight. Following are some tools to help you structure your personal narrative, breaking it down into parts. 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