Thursday, September 3, 2020

Characteristics of at Risk Students Free Essays

Pregnant Teens Janet Riley AED/201-Teaching as a Profession December 23, 2012 Mary Ortiz Pregnant Teens In 2010 information was introduced by Voices for Virginia’s Children demonstrating a pregnancy rate for school matured kids in Virginia Beach to be 106. 7 for each 1000 teenagers (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2012). We will compose a custom article test on Attributes of at Risk Students or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now Young pregnancy is an issue for some and messes up understudies (University of Phoenix, 2005). The Virginia Beach school area offers programs for pregnant adolescents to assist them with turning out to be less â€Å"at risk†. When the teenagers are in the circumstance of getting pregnant, many accept they don't have a decision to proceed with their training. There are projects, for example, night classes and habitats for pregnant teenagers accessible in Virginia Beach for these understudies. The focuses offer free childcare while the guardians are in class. Along these lines they don't need to miss school since they have nobody to watch the youngsters. The night school has a propelled educational plan to enable the understudies to graduate quicker. The two projects are useful for the high school guardians since it assembles them with others in a similar circumstance. In addition to the fact that this puts them in a setting with others that can comprehend what they are experiencing, it likewise places them in a situation where they won’t feel decided by others. Young guardians may frequently drop out because of confidence issues or absence of help from others. It is critical to both the guardians and kids that the adolescents get appropriate training. That is the reason the projects referenced are gainful. They help the adolescents move beyond the issues related with high schooler pregnancy. They additionally offer unique classes on child rearing to enable the youngsters to slide into the job of guardians. Along these lines they can all the more likely handle the progress into parenthood and figure out how to remain on target. Another extraordinary thing about the projects is that they don't cost anything. Numerous youngster guardians don't have a ton of cash; and any cash they have likely goes to specialists and things for the infants/kids. The focuses and exceptional schools don't charge for confirmation or childcare. With this weight lifted, adolescents may feel they don't need to stop school. Simply having the childcare is a major in addition to. A few adolescents don't find support from others and couldn't bear the cost of a free childcare. So having an approach to have their youngsters being dealt with in a believed domain is a serious deal. There are programs offered by the express that are helpful to these understudies too. Clinical projects and supplemental needs programs are advertised. The state ensures the youngsters and their kids approach specialists, psychological wellness administrations, family arranging administrations, and medication misuse administrations (Council on Virginia’s Future, 2012). There are likewise projects to ensure dietary needs are met. This is advantageous to understudies since they can remain solid and all around sufficiently supported to stay in school. They likewise ensure that teenagers have directing so they are not overpowered by child rearing and completing school. The projects offered for pregnant adolescents by Virginia as a state and the city of Virginia Beach are incredible projects. This is something I really have individual involvement in. I utilized the night classes to complete school. The night school allowed me to graduate. Also, since the classes didn't take up my entire day, I was as yet ready to think about my child. The school years were just up to a normal semester, so it didn't take as long to complete school. Along these lines I had the option to begin an all day work sooner and didn't need to forfeit my training. There is one issue I have found with adolescent pregnancy programs. The issue of adolescent pregnancy is something many would prefer not notice. Individuals fear focusing on the issue or making impact. In this way, the projects are not notable. Numerous solitary know about them through having to altogether investigate or by got notification from advisors or even friends after they have had the opportunity to surrender. In the event that the projects were all the more generally known, the teenagers would have the bit of leeway to choose to go before totally dropping out. Teenager pregnancy causes a great deal of issues with regards to instruction. With the assistance of the schools and focuses offered by the city, instructive objectives can be met. In spite of the fact that it ought not be empowered, the understudies don't need to be so â€Å"at-risk†. References Council on Virginia’s Future. (2012). High schooler Pregnancy. Recovered from http://vaperforms. virginia. gov/markers/healthfamily/teenpregnancy. php The Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2012). High schooler Pregnancy Rate per 1,000 by Age Group (Rate) †2010. Recovered from http://datacenter. kidscount. organization/information/bystate/Rankings. aspx? state=VAind=6393 University of Phoenix. (2005). Prologue to Teaching: Becoming a Professional, Second Edition. Recovered from University of Phoenix, AED/201-Teaching as a Profession site. Instructions to refer to Characteristics of at Risk Students, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Nursing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18

Nursing - Assignment Example be more controlled by the utilization of organizations, for example, organized studies, or naturalistic by methods for a strategy, for example, standard perception (Roth, 2004). In an examination that will be directed on the perceptions of patients who are restless about a potential clinical encounter, it may be progressively prudent to utilize information gathering strategies that even characterize the non-verbal signals of patients. For instance, the analyst may utilize videography in order to allow patients to unreservedly communicate as they would in some other conditions. On the off chance that strategies that incorporate composing practices are utilized, specialists could accidentally restrict members to just communicating through explicit techniques for communicating. Basically, the imaginative information assortment strategies may not be altogether naturalistic, in themselves, however are intended to represent a comparable choice of means with which the specialists can deal with the measurements that they accumulate. The purpose of utilizing innovative new information assortment methods is to catch the certifiable encounters of each of the

Friday, August 21, 2020

The eNotes Blog History Belongs to theRevisionists A Cleaned-Up Huck Finn IsComing

History Belongs to theRevisionists A Cleaned-Up Huck Finn IsComing The pitifulestâ thing out is a horde; that is the thing that a military isa crowd; they dont battle with fearlessness that is conceived in them, yet with mental fortitude that is acquired from their mass, and from their officials. Be that as it may, a horde with no MAN at its head is BENEATH pitifulness.â ~ The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Chapter 22 by Mark Twain There are a wide range of crowds, however some are harder to distinguish. One of the hardest to battle, maybe, is theâ politically right. Today, Publishers Weekly reported that there will be another N-Word free release of Mark Twains great accessible with the goal that nobody should be annoyed. However, is that at all alluring? In the event that we eradicate the exercises of history, how might we abstain from rehashing them? Its troublesome enough to maintain a strategic distance from stumbles when we realize what they are. Deleting our bigot, despicable, past won't change the way that it occurred. Maybe some will contend that it is smarter to have the tidied up adaptation as opposed to no Huck Finn by any stretch of the imagination. All things considered, the consideration of the novel on secondary school, and even school, perusing necessities has been in consistent decrease for a long time and has been on the highest priority on the rundown of restricted books for a long while also, alongside other awkward works of writing like Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451, J. D. Salingers Catcher in the Rye, and Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird. Should these works of art be sterilized as well?â Whats next?â Frederick Douglass: My Life as a Servant (It Wasnt That Bad) ?

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Critical analysis of Rachel Swirsky story Eros, Philia, Agape. - 2200 Words

Critical analysis of Rachel Swirsky story Eros, Philia, Agape. (Book Review Sample) Content: Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Critical analysis of Rachel Swirsky story "Eros, Philia, Agape." Introduction Eros, philia, agape is a science fiction contemporary book written by an American author Rachel Swirsky. Rachael is an American citizen who lives in California; she is a dedicated and talented author who has written a lot of science fiction and fantasy stories. "Eros, Philia, Agape" are words from the ancient Greek. Eros means a love that reaches far beyond the outer surface and accommodates the recipient regardless of the shortcomings (Anna, 2012). Philia also known as phileo means love that is warm, tender and deep while agape refer to the love we feel for everyone also referred to as selfish love (Theodore, 1957). She bases her story entirely on love, as the name suggests. And this is love between two species, a human lady who is Adriana and a male robot Luciana, together they adopt a baby whom they name Rose. Rachel imaginative work takes into account the interaction of human and the machines and she tries to explore a possibility of, the modern technological advancement used to replace the human failures. However, throughout her work, a thesis statement of whether technology is the solution for human emotional satisfaction arises. The story forms a base or evaluation of human dependency on one another, and if by any chance we can replace the dependency with made machines, and in this case a robot. When critically examining the story, ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s evidently clear that human feelings can only be properly reciprocated by another human, a chain of dependency exists among us and we can never survive on our own. This is supported by the story as we find that even after Adriana had bought Luciana as a male companion and a partner, and their love is strong and rigid at first, the robot deeply relies on how it is programmed to respond. And it gets to a point according to the program and instructions, Luciana feels that he is slowly becoming more human and human emotions are developing in him, he makes a drastic resolution of abandoning the people he loved and escaped to the desert. Characters The story is based on three major characters, Adriana, Luciana, and Rose. Adriana is introduced to the story first, she is broken and dejected. This is after she has shortly lost her father. She longs for companionship, yet she is afraid of getting disappointed by fellow humans, so she opts to buy a robot friend whom she calls Luciana, and together they decide to adopt a child. This brings about to the introduction of the third character, baby Rose. In the choice of the characters, the author puts into consideration the perfect balance of a normal family. She tries to put across the idea that for a modern family to be complete, it basically must have father mother and a child, and ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s clearly presented in her choice of characters. The minor characters developed by the author are Jessica, Eleanor, and Nanette, who all are Adrianaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s sisters. Ben and Lawrence are also dear friends to Adriana and offers her comfort when Luciana breaks her heart Setting of the story The author sets her story, in the United States at a rich town which neighborsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ a village and farms. This is evident in the story when Adriana offers to take Rose to the neighboring farm where she pays for her to see the goats and other animals. However, her house is in the suburbs of a rich town; all her house electronics are programmed with command prompts and the doors and windows opens and shut when instructed. This is a clear characteristic of an urban setting where technological advancement and uses is high. A desert setting is also incorporated into the story; this is where Luciana later escapes to when he feels human feelings are getting the better o him. Rachel Swirsky is an American citizen and the choice of the setting to unfold her story can be highly attributed to that fact. She is from California and the description of the story setting clearly resembles the California setting, which neighbors the Nevada desert. Her scope of imagination greatly depends on the setting thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s around her, and this greatly influences her story. California is known for both rich town and rich agricultural farms, the same setting she deploys in her storyline. The plot/structure of the story The story begins with a situation at hand, which is the departure of Luciana, and Adriana and Rose are on the front porch bidding him farewell. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s an emotional departure which for all the parties involved. This is an effective, strategy meant to capture the attention of the reader right from the start of the story. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a strategy mostly preferred by the modern literature writers, which helps in breaking the monotony and traditions of story writing, where the author starts with how the event started. To help the reader understand the story, the author develops the use of flashback. She takes the event back to reconstruct the chronological sequence of event. Thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s where we learn that an idea is suggested to Adriana as she attends a dinner invitation to her friendà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s house that she could purchase a robot to aid her with household choirs. She at fist downplays the idea but later, gives in to the temptation. The purchasing of the robot brings desired results, as Adriana obtains the companionship and the help she needed. At first, the robot behaves as expected and strictly follows the coding and programs installed by the manufacturing company. However a crisis starts to develop, the robot slowly begins to integrate with humans and emotional feelings such as anger, desires, love and care starts to creep in. This is the climax of the story, and the author uses this setting to base the unfolding of the event. She portrays how the robot male and his human lover slowly and unaware falls deep in love and assume a setting of a family. Baby Rose is adopted, and she becomes the jewel of the family. Both the couple shows their love to this new member, and particularly this creates a deeper crisis in the mind of the robot. The author particularly focuses her attention on the robot to show her readers how the programmed machine fails. At the end of the story, guilt overcomes reasoning and Luciana escapes to the desert to hide from the reality and get rid of the emotions inside him. Swirsky, concludes the flashback by bringing an end to the emotional crisis in the story, she achieves that by Luciana escaping and leaving the human family alone and heartbroken. How the story concludes, directly answers the question of whether human emotions can be replaced by a machine. Such an attempted is clearly fatal and leaves Adriana more frustrated and broken than she initially was, this is clearly portrayed in this extract in the story (Rachael, 2010) "Adriana will feel the world closing in on her as if she cannot breathe, but even as her life feels dim and futile, she will continue breathing. Yes, she will agree, it is best to return to Boston, where her sisters can help herà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . Theme of the story Love is the primary theme in the story, the author develops this theme through her work and from the inception, and she creates a superior of human feeling the need to be loved. Adriana needs love after she loses the love and care of her father to death. However the author employs irony in the search for love, instead of Adriana seeking love in a human companion, she goes to seek the companionship of a robot. Love is manifested in different ways in the story, away from the main character open love and admiration for each other, the author develops the concept of love in animals toward humans. The caged bird Fuoco, which Adriana was given as a birthday present by her father, shows deep love for her mistress and when Luciana is introduced into Adrianaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s life, Fuoco suffers a condition associated with jealousy. It is because of love that Luciana cannot stand human company, and he has grown too attached to things. The theme of human superiority is also portrayed, and the act of human playing God is elaborated in the creation and assembling of Luciana. He is given the capabilities of humans, minds of mathematicians, poets and physicists. The success of a robot is supposed to glorify humanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s abilities, yet the author creates irony by identifying how the machine failed in the basic activities where a human being would get it right. An example is when Luciana serves coffee in a wine glass or serves wine in a mug, and he has no idea of what he has done wrong. The irony is that regardless of the fact that Luciana is made to respond and maneuver tricky situations, he does not have the ability to make basic reasoning that a normal human has. Looking deeply into Rachelà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s work we can also identify a theme of feminism, developed in the character Adriana. She is deep in fighting for female rights to love and make emotional choices as she sees fit. Contrary to most of the societyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s customs and traditions which hinder womenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s from expressing their emotions and make choices regarding love. The aggressive nature of Adriana in the story is a theme used by the author to encourage women to stand up and take initiatives. Not only in matters pertaining love but in advocating for things that would make thei...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Narrative - 1557 Words

Racing at night going One-hundred and forty miles an hour on US-27 holding the lead, Shift six gear, speed topped out at two-hundred miles per hour passing by cars smoothly. I chanted I am immortal, I am a god! while I pushed my sports bike to its limit. Suddenly a black car approaches. WHAM! I get Rammed from behind and lose control of my bike slamming into a Semi-truck up ahead. Lights out. When I peeked my eyes, I saw 4 humans around me. Thump after thumb I believe I was in an ambulance rushing down the turnpike. I looked around and the first words that came to my head are â€Å"Rick this is just a dream†. This is the story of how I escaped from an illegal laboratory that clones and modifies humans. I woke up with a trebling shock down my†¦show more content†¦The cold room shivered me from my sleep. My body ached as if I’ve been run over by a truck, but my hands and feet are free. I forced myself to move but couldn’t find the strength, with one last thrust, I jerked myself just enough to loosen the mask from around my face. The clean air helped me regain consciousness as I rolled myself off the bed. I stumbled towards the door and opened it slowly only to be thrown back by a large guard in black tactical gear. Lightly dazed from the impact, I played possum for a moment, so the guard can lower his weapon. When he grabbed me from my arm without hesitation, I forcibly yanked him down and constricted my arm around his neck between my bicep and forearm. Then, I tightly compressed with all my power like an anaconda would squeeze his prey before consumption. Finally, the guard stopped moving around and lost all consciousness. I gave his head one final thrust â₠¬Å"Crack!† to confirm he won’t move again. I stripped the armored uniform off the guard to disguise myself so I can escape. When I removed my shirt, I noticed a large gash across my body. The gash was bonded together with a clear compound that felt like flesh. At that moment, I realized they left me for the guard to kill. Determined to escape this hell hole or die trying I zipped up my vest and began to load the pistol and rifle I took from the guard. Fueled with rage I kicked open the door and released fire on 3 guards crouched inShow MoreRelatedStructure of Personal Narrative797 Words   |  4 PagesCLRC Writing Center Structure of a Personal Narrative Essay â€Å"Narrative† is a term more commonly known as â€Å"story.† Narratives written for college or personal narratives, tell a story, usually to some point, to illustrate some truth or insight. Following are some tools to help you structure your personal narrative, breaking it down into parts. 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The Arguement Regarding Odysseus free essay sample

# 8217 ; Fate Essay, Research Paper The Argument Regarding Odysseus Fate The narrative is known worldwide. Odysseus, the great heroic poem hero, leaves his beautiful Ithaca, spends 10 old ages of his life contending courageously against Troy, and so spends another ten old ages making place. At this point he leaves Troy once more. He leaves his household and loyal topics to travel researching and questing to fulfill the roamer inside him. Everyone agrees of the facts, but they do non hold of what to do of Odysseus. Pindar, said to be the greatest of Grecian poets, makes Odysseus into a fallacious scoundrel. Philoctetes of Sophocles portrays Odysseus as a rogue who believes in stating the truth merely when he can afford to. Odysseus is besides seen as an uncaring, icy adult male as he justifies his sacrificing of Hecuba s girl in Euripides Hecuba. I am non certain of the grounds for these portraitures, but the ideas and logical thinking of Kazantzakis, Tennyson, and Dante are heartbreakingly clear. The plants of these three work forces bring up some inquiries. Does aspiration warrant his go forthing Ithaca once more? Should he be damned to the Inferno, or does his actions prove to be his redemption? Kazantzakis believes that his 2nd journey signifier Ithaca is his redemption and that he grows in spirit from the experience. Tennyson and Dante do non portion this thought with Kazantzakis. In fact, they believe Odysseus is damned. Therefore, the statement begins. Nikos Kazantzakis presents Odysseus as a wise and spiritually dominant adult male in his heroic poem verse form Odyssey: A Modern Sequel. The escapades of Ulysses that begin after his return to Ithaca are parallel to Odysseus religious growing. Nikos says there are seven phases in adult male s promotion from being a barbarian to obtaining a pure psyche. One of the names Kazantzakis uses in his heroic poem is seven -souled. Not merely is this heroic poem about the modern adult male in hunt of a psyche, but besides it is an geographic expedition of the significance of freedom. In Odyssey: A Modern Sequel, Odysseus is seen as being out of topographic point in Ithaca. Ulysses male parent and his boy are strong trusters of subject and order, but Odysseus will profess no boundaries. It is profoundly rooted in Odysseus to roll under the stars, to see and seek and happen until he meets his decease. Kazantzakis believes this was in him and it was merely natural to make what comes of course. H e doesn t darn Odysseus for his rovings, but praises him on turning spiritually and following his fate. For Dante, every bit good every bit Tennyson as you will shortly see, misrepresentation is the cardinal word. Dante believes Ulysses to be delusory. One of his worst misrepresentations was the usage of the Trojan Horse, which brought about the autumn of Troy. Besides, he came back to Ithaca for the incorrect grounds. He didn t leave Circe s island for Penelope and his place, but for his ain hoggishness. He wanted the ultimate pursuit and to travel beyond the boundaries and bounds of the universe. In the verse form, it read When I left Circe, it said, who more than a/ year/ detained me new Gaeta long before/ Aeneas came and gave the topographic point that name, / Not fondness for my boy, nor reverence/ For my ages father, nor Penelope s claim. Dante damns him for his pretermiting his ties of household. Ulysses is disenchanted and his young person and escapade is the past. It is clip for him to take his topographic point in life and nature. Alternatively, he gives in to his lecherousness to see the widespread universe. Tennyson developed his feelings about Odysseus from Dante. Tennyson s poem Ulysses is a diabolic, dramatic soliloquy. For Tennyson, Odysseus is depicted as a fallacious character. He avoids the worlds of his state of affairs. Tennyson believes that Ulysses is seeking to regenerate the yesteryear. He was untrue to himself, his household, and nature. For the same grounds Kazantzakis says Ulysses is natural, Tennyson damns him as unnatural. In Ulysses, the roamer goes away for cognition, but seems to love no 1 and to contemn his married woman and boy. He thinks he is better than his people and speaks on them distantly, about indifferently. What make the verse form genuinely diabolic and dark are the last words of Odysseus: Made weak by clip and destiny, but strong in will/ To endeavor, to seek, to happen, and non to give. These words echo the words of Satan in Paradise Lost, in which Satan declares, And bravery neer to subject or yield/ And what is else non to be overcome? Odysseus, har monizing to Tennyson, is taking and conquest, without giving anything and without sorrow for anyone he hurts. The first line of the verse form besides shows Ulysses as a bounder. It small net incomes him to remain at that place in Ithaca with his elderly married woman. To his Apostles, Christ said For what is a adult male profited, if he shall derive the whole universe, and lose his ain psyche ( Matthew 16:21 ) Is Odysseus damned or saved? Is at that place anything incorrect with his aspiration and desire to roll and seek? Kazantzakis feels that Ulysses is finishing himself by his changeless rovings. Tennyson and Dante feel that he s making things for the incorrect grounds, is delusory, and non taking his topographic point in nature. Who is right? Who has the most convincing statement? It all depends on how one looks at it and what one believes. Plants Cited Odysseus/ Ulysses. Chelsea House Publishers. New York: Main Line Book Co, 1991.